
Abandon hope all ye who enter

(but not a sense of humor or self-control).

I'm trying my hand at making a dropdown. KeenShadow is for all of those webcomic artists that have an aura of hopelessness, yet struggle out with dark humor.

To get on the dropdown, you must contact me, by forum, private message, or e-mail.

If you e-mail me, put "Heh, heh, End it all now" as your subject. You can get close to it. I'm not picky.

Put on your contact:

1) Your Name (Pseudonyms are fine)

2) Your URL

3) Your Sites name

4) Anything in your webcomic above PG-13. There won't be that many that will be accepted with something, since anything with sex or nudity is often either low-plot, not hopeless enough, or not humorous enough, and usually excessive violence is sadistic and not despair. It'll be mostly language, since people caught in those situations will most probably cuss. If nothing, skip this.

5) A "portfolio" of despair. Add on any number of links to comics of yours that represent dark humor, plus any warnings of comics that exceed PG-13. This is how you prove you should be in this dropdown. You must try to make us try not to laugh, but fail miserably.

Oh yeah, add this to your webpage. whenever you get to it. I will randomly check if you put it up.

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="javascript" SRC=""></SCRIPT>

Okay, key (all of these are in excess of PG-13 or T. V.-acceptability)

(L)- Excessive Language

(S/N)- Excessive Sexual Content/Nudity

(V)- Excessive Violence

Well, good luck. And if you quallify for both KeenShadow and RealSpace, I feel sorry for you.

-Nike Young

Gameshow by Nike Young">